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Get yourself a dreamy fridge and freezer with Little Label Co’s 6 simple steps - Little Label Co

Get yourself a dreamy fridge and freezer with Little Label Co’s 6 simple steps

An organised fridge is as important as having an organised pantry.

There are so many great benefits to having an organised fridge; clear storage tubs makes it easy to see everything, fresh produce is easily accessible, we make healthier eating options as everything is readily available, reduces food wastage whilst saving time and money and is ultimately better from a food hygiene perspective. We all would love a french door fridge with freezer drawers filled with oodles of space, however we know that isn’t a reality for most of us, so we have developed a 6-step plan using our top fridge products to help coordinate fridges of all shapes and sizes!


  1. Our first recommendation is to have a plan before you start purchasing and moving items around within your fridge. Not only is every fridge different but so are each of our lifestyles, everyone purchases different ingredients, and we all have different eating habits. We suggest doing a stocktake of your current fridge and write down on paper every single item you have in your fridge and group them in similar categories.
  2. Measure each shelf accurately, this includes height, width, and depth of shelves. This will help you decide which size fridge storage containers to purchase. There is nothing more annoying than going out and purchasing fridge storage containers that are not going to fit your space. Now that you have your fridge stocktake list it should be easier for you to decide which containers to purchase. You will need several fridge containers for different sizes and purposes.
  3. It is time to get creative and have fun with your storage solutions, show off your fresh produce, condiments, cans, and other items. You can easily accomplish this by incorporating simple but effective storage solutions to help organise your fridge such as the Clear Fridge Egg Organiser Tray, and Clear Turntable Lazy Susan Tray, Under Shelf Fridge Clip-on Drawer, Clear Storage Tub Medium, Fridge Organiser with Drainage Plug (Set of 2), Clear Modular Drawer Organiser Medium.
  4. Have an ‘Eat Me First’ tub for anything perishable that needs to be consumed quickly. This is also a perfect way to make sure leftovers are not consigned to the back of the fridge.
  5. Make use of our Use by Date Label stickers. It’s a great option for keeping track of best before and meal prep dates, and a handy way to indicate on which day something is to be consumed if you follow a weekly meal prep schedule. Simply peel and stick the use by date label on the container and write down the date. Once the date has passed, peel off the sticker and throw it away and use a new one.
  6. Label, label, label. Giving a tub or container a name is key if you want to keep things neat and tidy. There are so many benefits to having a labelled fridge, not only does it make it easier to find and replace items when preparing or cooking meals but imagine how simple writing your shopping list will be each week if everything is clearly labelled and organised. Also, it helps the whole household with locating and replacing items they need.

Freezer Organisation 

Organising the freezer can be a little challenging with the different size packets, boxes, and other items. Our top tip is to group items of similar shape and size and store them in their groups. This will ensure it looks neat and tidy. Saving space is key when it comes to freezer organisation, try to flat pack as much as you can so things are easily stackable, and you are saving space. Labelling is key! Label with name and date will help identify items easier and you will know what to eat first. Boxes are bulky and take up a lot of room, try to remove items from their boxes to free up more space. Clear storage tubs with handle are great way to contain smaller packets and bags of produce.

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